Donation for patient care

Chiva is a 23-year-old from Cambodia, who helps support his family by working in a nearby karaoke restaurant.  Last year, he was involved in a motorbike collision and fractured his right leg. He couldn't afford medical care, had difficulty walking, and developed a chronic wound infection. A neighbor told him about CSC and the valuable work we do for Cambodians with disabilities. At CSC, surgeons debrided the dead tissue from his chronically infected wound and placed an external frame to stabilize and heal his fracture. In addition, he was fortunate to receive Stimulan, an orthopedic medical product used to treat bone defects and control infections. It is manufactured by a company called Biocomposites in the UK.

Biocomposites recently donated another 15 boxes of  Stimulan to help CSC's orthopaedic patients heal. Chiva shared: "I am glad I no longer have infection in my right leg and my leg will heal soon. I want to be healthy and work to help my parents."

Big shoutout to Biocomposites! Your generosity has the power to change the lives of many Cambodians by potentially saving their legs. Thank you! Individual potential donors also provide the funds necessary to not only support lifesaving healthcare to Cambodians who have limited access to healthcare and resources but also to support our young generation of Cambodian surgical leaders at CSC who dedicate their time and service to the disabled and poor. Please consider donating to our intrepid surgeons on our website. Just click HERE!

Author: Ellen Interlandi

Ellen, a registered nurse, and her husband Brian, an anesthesiologist, have been active volunteers at CSC since 2008. Ellen has undergraduate degrees in both Nursing and Spanish Literature, and a graduate degree in Health Management. Since 2020, Ellen has volunteered in the role of Stakeholder Relations, connecting with our generous supporters, interacting with visiting surgeons and students, and disseminating updates on Children's Surgical Centre.

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