We love it when a plan comes together! This week, a 2-year-old child from Laos accompanied by two Lao surgeons, an anesthetist, and a Japanese benefactor traveled to CSC for treatment of a craniocerebral malformation known as meningoencephalocoele (MEC). The surgery was performed by a maxillofacial surgery team from Toulouse, France, who have been visiting CSC twice a year for over 20 years. A MEC is a protrusion of the brain and cerebral fluid through the front of the skull. A rare condition worldwide, it is more often found in SE Asia. The exact cause of MEC is not known. According to certain studies, environmental factors like poverty may be linked to consuming moldy rice which can produce toxins that may impede the development of neural tubes in human embryos. CSC serves as a referral hospital for these children, and our volunteer surgeons and staff make a big difference by offering free care. This child may now be able to have a normal life after being healed. Good job!!!
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