CSC Opens Orthodontic Centre

Orthodontic Treatment Centre Opens on August 1st

A big THANK YOU to SMILE TRAIN ( for funding the Orthodontic Treatment Centre to expand CSC's cleft care continuum. Cambodian children born with a cleft lip or palate require several treatments and assessments as they grow up. At CSC, clefts are typically treated with surgery and speech therapy, with additional treatments like dental care often needed. Now, Smile Train-supported patients at CSC can receive cleft treatment and related dental/orthodontic care on-site, provided by dentists from the National Paediatric Hospital. Combining all aspects of treatment in one place increases convenience for patients, eliminating the need to travel to multiple locations. Our heartfelt thanks go to our partners, Dr. Sythan, Dr. Peng, and Smile Train for improving the care to Cambodian children.


Author: Ellen Interlandi

Ellen, a registered nurse, and her husband Brian, an anesthesiologist, have been active volunteers at CSC since 2008. Ellen has undergraduate degrees in both Nursing and Spanish Literature, and a graduate degree in Health Management. Since 2020, Ellen has volunteered in the role of Stakeholder Relations, connecting with our generous supporters, interacting with visiting surgeons and students, and disseminating updates on Children's Surgical Centre.

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