Musings of a med student

CSC proudly supports medical education by offering electives for medical students from all over the world. Cambodia is slowly improving its healthcare system which collapsed during the rule of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s. Lack of adequate water, sanitation, education, transportation, and communication still cause problems in the reconstruction of the health system. The government continues to collaborate with NGOs such as CSC, which offers technical expertise and capacity-building support. CSC takes pride in its significant contribution towards enhancing surgical care by educating Khmer medical students and resident physicians. Moreover, CSC also helps medical students, who undergo rotations at the organization, gain valuable insights into the field of medicine.


Zizo, a medical student from the University of Toronto has been at CSC for 2 weeks.  This is what he has to tell us about the importance of keeping CSC  financially supported to educate Khmer physicians and reduce expenses for Cambodians seeking healthcare.


"Coming from an urban centre in Toronto with an excess of single-use products and medical waste, CSC has truly impressed me with its sustainability during complex procedures and efficient use of resources. There are no "routine labs" ordered without a thorough clinical assessment, and no sutures opened if not intended for immediate use. This has not only changed my outlook on sustainability in surgery but is also shaping me to be a more resourceful clinician.”


Well said, Zizo, and we look forward to more ruminations from you during your medical elective this summer.


Please consider becoming a donor to CSC via our website so that we can continue to serve the impoverished people of Cambodia. CSC aims to improve the quality of life for disabled Cambodian children and adults by providing free or low-cost rehabilitation surgery.

Author: Ellen Interlandi

Ellen, a registered nurse, and her husband Brian, an anesthesiologist, have been active volunteers at CSC since 2008. Ellen has undergraduate degrees in both Nursing and Spanish Literature, and a graduate degree in Health Management. Since 2020, Ellen has volunteered in the role of Stakeholder Relations, connecting with our generous supporters, interacting with visiting surgeons and students, and disseminating updates on Children's Surgical Centre.

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