Delayed presenting clubfoot

Theara is a 19-year-old student in the 12th grade from Cambodia. His parents are farmers and grow rice and vegetables. When he graduates from high school, he would like to attend a university to study law.

Theara was born with bilateral club feet. Clubfoot is a condition in which the foot is twisted out of shape. His parents could not access care because they did not have money. He felt embarrassed by his condition and did not like to socialize with other people due to his disability. If left untreated, his disability would be worse as he aged, which would make it hard for Theara to walk at all. A neighbor suggested he go to CSC, so he traveled two and a half hours for tendon surgery to correct his clubfeet. He will receive rehabilitative therapy to adjust his gait and increase strength and range of motion. Surgeons are hopeful he will recover without any pain or walking dysfunction.

Author: Ellen Interlandi

Ellen, a registered nurse, and her husband Brian, an anesthesiologist, have been active volunteers at CSC since 2008. Ellen has undergraduate degrees in both Nursing and Spanish Literature, and a graduate degree in Health Management. Since 2020, Ellen has volunteered in the role of Stakeholder Relations, connecting with our generous supporters, interacting with visiting surgeons and students, and disseminating updates on Children's Surgical Centre.

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